Superfans chats about House Of The Dragon on CapeTalk!

Superfans chats about House Of The Dragon on CapeTalk!

We were thrilled to be invited back in the CapeTalk studio to chat to the incredible Pippa Hudson about the Game of Thrones prequel, House Of The Dragon, on Friday 19 August 2022.

With Night Queen Leonie and Khaleesi Fazielah in studio, and Lord Hand of the Queen Tendai joining us from Zimbabwe, Pippa had our House Wyrd aka Superfans trio discussing feminism, succession rules, the glory of dragons and all of our hopes for the new show.

So much fun was had:

Click here to listen to the full interview!

Superfans and House of the Dragon: where to find us!

Superfans and House of the Dragon: where to find us!

Lords and Ladies of the Realm, it gives us great pleasure to announce that Superfans will be attending multiple House of the Dragon events this coming week!

With the Game of Thrones prequel series set to premiere on 21 August 2022 on HBO, Leonie, Tendai and I have been invited, as the most-well known African fans of the series, to a few excellent celebratory events. Come and bend the knee to House Wyrd, the castellan of Superfans, at the following events:

Interview with Queen Pippa Hudson on CapeTalk:

We were overjoyed when the raven arrived, inviting us to once again have an audience aka radio interview with Queen Pippa Hudson, First of Her Name, on CapeTalk! As you’ll no doubt recall, we had quite the spirited debate about the final season of Game of Thrones with Pippa in 2019.

On Friday 19 August 2022, Night Queen Leonie, Hand of the Queen Tendai and I, your Khaleesi, will be joining Pippa in studio to discuss our expectations and theories for House of the Dragon. Keep an eye on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for our live updates from the studio. We’ll share the link to the interview when it’s been aired.

Exclusive screening of House of the Dragon with Houses M-Net and HBO:

Leonie and I will mount our dragons and fly to an actual castle in Cape Town on Friday 19 August 2022 to dine with our esteemed hosts M-Net and HBO and enjoy an exclusive preview screening of the House of the Dragon premiere!

My Night Queen and I have been invited to a number of GOT screenings over the years and as always, we show up in full cosplay and take what is ours with fire and blood:

From 2015 to 2019, the Night Queen Leonie and I have graced each of M-Net’s Game of Thrones premieres with our incredible cosplay!

This year shall be no different. Expect to be awed by the blood of the dragon with the full force of our costumes πŸ˜‰ You can follow all of the premiere action via our socials.

House of the Dragon will debut on M-Net on Monday 22 August 2022.

Fire will reign!

Podcast Review: My Dad Wrote A Porno (NSFW)

Podcast Review: My Dad Wrote A Porno (NSFW)

It feels like yesterday. I was sitting on my friend’s bedroom floor, helping her pack for her US trip, when I suddenly stopped. What was that about blue semen and a flaky penis?

Turns out I was listening to Book 2, Chapter 15 – a.k.a Jim’s Secret. The book: Belinda Blinked. The podcast: My Dad Wrote a Porno.

Up until that point, I hadn’t been much of a podcast fan. My Dad Wrote a Porno changed all that, and as it turned out, I was rather late to the party. The podcast already had a global following, with the likes of superfans Elijah Wood and Michael Sheen contributing to the weekly Footnotes.

I became a dedicated Belinker (superfans of the podcast). So dedicated, I was probably the only person on the 2018 New York Marathon course whose running playlist comprised enough MDWAP chapters to take me through the trip to the start line on Staten Island, along the 42.2km course, and the last bit of walking to the Columbus Circle subway station.

So, what is it about?

My Dad Wrote a Porno is a weekly British podcast that, er, comes out on a Monday (a.k.a. #pornoday), with Jamie Morton reading a new chapter from the amateur erotic novel, while his friends James Cooper and Alice Levine provide running commentary, much hilarity, and the occasional anatomy lesson.


It follows the misadventures and sexual exploits of Belinda Blumenthal, whose work as the new International Sales Director of Steeles Pots and Pans takes her around the world meeting a variety of sales reps, business associates and suppliers (including Jim Sterling and his flaky peen). As the books progress, Flintstone throws in clever twists, industrial espionage and an arch villain. Such fun!

Since launching back in 2015, the podcast has amassed a global following, had an HBO comedy special in 2019 and will continue their sell-out World Tour in 2022.

The kicker: Belinda Blinked is written by Morton’s dad, a retired builder who goes under the pen name Rocky Flintstone. He shared some of the initial chapters with son Jamie, who was so horrified by what he had read that he shared it with his best friends, which sparked the idea to turn it into a podcast.

The worst best erotic fiction ever written

But Belinda Blinked isn’t your ordinary erotic fiction. It is a badly – albeit enthusiastically – written series of erotic novels that have asperations of doubling as business manuals. Rocky has zero respect for grammatical rules or literary best practices… or the basic knowledge of the female anatomy for that matter. You will even find a key character getting a random, temporary name change at some point.

When you settle down to listen to the first few chapters you’ll find yourself focusing on the terrible writing and hilarious running commentary. And to be perfectly honest, in the beginning there is no real reason to listen other than to laugh with Jamie, Jamie and Alice. Then you find yourself coming back for more, because surely it can’t get more ridiculous, more funny, more cringe-worthy, right? (It can, and it will.)

However, by the time you get to the third or fourth series, you are so fully invested in the crazy characters, plot twists, and cliff-hangers (or clit-hangers as they are known here) that you will keep coming back for more.

And therein is the genius of Rocky Flintstone. Sure, you laugh at him in the beginning. Sure, the books are absolutely ridiculous. Sure, the writing is atrocious. But, through Flintstone’s son and his friends, Belinda Blinked has become a welcome respite from a world gone mad. And behind the bad grammar and dubious punctuation is a story expertly and intricately woven together – something you will only realise much, much later.

Hilarious quotes for your consideration

  • “Her tits hung freely, like pomegranates.”
  • “‘Absolutely,’ Peter replied, ‘In fact, this afternoon we’ve just ordered 3000 units of your Oxy Brillo range to get you started, and my purchasing team are looking at other products of yours which will fit into our present range of kitchen utensils.’ ‘Wow!’ Belinda gasped and opened her legs slightly.”
  • β€œBelinda bent over and pulled the plastic handcuffs over the Duchesses ankles. The Duchess stood up and stretched her cramped body. Her nipples hardened with her feeling and they were now as large as the three inch rivets which had held the hull of the fateful Titanic together.”
  • “A small spiral staircase led up to a cramped area above the first class passenger section … Hazel headed immediately to B3, and went inside. To their surprise the whole area was a large bed, nothing else, but it was big enough for three people… B3. ‘Does B3 mean Bonking capacity for three people?’ ‘Exactly’, replied Hazel, ‘Do you think us air crew are stupid?'”
  • “In fact, everyone here today is going home with a non-stick tin wok. If you look under your seats.”

But… it’s porn!

Yes… but also, no. It is so cringeworthy, laugh-out-loud ridiculous and unrealistic that people have written to the trio to tell them how listening to MDWAP as a couple has helped them be less fearful and embarrassed of sex. It has sparked dialogue on various topics, including women taking ownership of their bodies and experiences.

If nothing else, it helps us laugh again. And by the old gods and the new – we need more laughter these days.